Gages Lake Weed Treatment

June 18th , 2024 UPDATE


The Gages Lake Conservation Committee has contracted TIGRIS, a lake, pond, wetland, and stormwater solutions provider, to Re-treat Gages Lake for aquatic weeds on Wednesday, June 19th, 2024. TIGRIS will be re-treating/spot-treating 19 acres of Gages Lake (at no additional charge), plus 3.0 acres of new zones (including 2 in front of Rule Park and 1 for the Gages Lake Slalom course), for a total of 22.3 acres to push back and retreat the weeds. This work will aim to further reduce and eliminate the weeds that have not been removed from the first treatment prior to Memorial Day.  The GLCC also rented a harvester  that manually removed much of the dead weeds on the water surface in the boating lanes and around park shorelines around the lake/channel the week of 6/10.  Remaining weeds (Eurasian Water Milfoil/Curly leaf Pondweed, an invasive species) will be treated with Diquat, which will provide rapid results within about 7-10 days.

The Wildwood Park District is a monetary contributor to the Gages Lake weed treatment to ensure Park District areas of the lake are included in the treatment plan. Park District target areas focus on the channel (where three Wildwood Park District parks are located on small channel coves), as well as Willow Point Park cove, Pebble Beach Park cove (to clear the boat ramp area of weeds), and Sunset Park (to clear boat ramp area of weeds). The majority of remaining marked treatment zones on the map below are boating lanes.


There will be an irrigation restriction following the treatment application. Residents that use lake water for watering should wait up to 5 days after treatment before watering. Actual restriction times are 2 days irrigation restriction for turf and landscaping and 5 days for ornamentals. There are NO swimming restrictions.

The Gages Lake Conservation Committee will be handing out notice flyers to lakefront homeowners around the lake and channel this week.


Below is a link to a map of the targeted treatment zones for 6/19/2024. The colors mean the following: 1) Red: areas of high aquatic plant concentration in boating lanes; 2) Blue: relatively open and clear areas of plant concentration; and 3) Green: moderate aquatic plant concentration.


Gages Lake Touch-Up Work Plan 6.19.2024 FINAL



Questions regarding Gages Lake weed treatment can be directed to the Gages Lake Conservation Committee. They can be contacted via:

Private homeowners who would like to have their immediate property shoreline professionally treated can individually contract with and pay TIGRIS and will need to reach out to TIGRIS directly. Homeowners can email the Gages Lake Conservation Committee ( or the Wildwood Park District ( to obtain the contact information.