The Wildwood Park District is excited to share that work began yesterday on the Pebble Beach Park shoreline stabilization project. The plan for this project is to improve shoreline stabilization without altering or excavating existing shoreline grades along Gages Lake and into the inlet area using both riprap boulders and native plants. This includes the addition of 6″-12″ 4RR RipRap and native plants along the shoreline of Gages Lake in Pebble Beach Park in accordance with the requirements of Lake County, IL, and the US Army Core of Engineers (USACOE). This combination of shoreline material to areas experiencing much wave action from Gages Lake and erosion of the shoreline will protect and stabilize the shoreline. Total square footage impacted by this project is approximately 2,125 square feet. Total linear feet of shoreline to be stabilized is 425′. This should provide a long-term solution to stabilize and protect the Gages Lake shoreline for our community, as well as improve the functionaility, stability, aesthetic, and safety of the park shoreline. Furthermore, these improvements will benefit our boaters, swimmers, fishermen, and park patrons. This project will prevent future loss of park greenspace land erosion and the force of water currently hitting the relatively unprotected shoreline.
The majority of the work for this project was completed on Friday, October 11th.
Early Spring 2025, the remainder of the work for this project will be completed, including adding additional riprap boulders, planting of native plants, and addition of an outcropping for fishing on the west side of the park.
If you have any questions regarding this project, please reach out to the Wildwood Park District office at 847.223.7275 or