Parent Center

Welcome to the Wildwood Park District’s Schoolhouse Adventures Community Preschool!

We are so thrilled to have you and your child become part of our preschool family! Beginning preschool is an exciting time and important milestone for your child and your family, and we want to ensure your child has the best possible experience at Schoolhouse Adventures Community Preschool.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you this fall!


The Schoolhouse Adventures Community Preschool Teachers and Wildwood Park District Staff | 847.223.7275

Enrollment Procedures

  • Enrollment for 2024-2025 school year is now open.
  • To enroll, you will need the following: Copy of child’s Birth Certificate, up-to-date immunization records, and the Completed Registration Form.
  • A parent handbook and preschool packet will be given to you at the time of enrollment. Preschool packet forms must be returned by the 1st day of class.
  • Enrollment must be done in person at our office, 33325 N. Sears Blvd. in Wildwood IL 60030.
  • Enrollment is ongoing throughout school year, if classes have remaining spots available in current year.

Schoolhouse Adventures Community Preschool Forms


Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that questions may arise while choosing the best preschool for your child or during the enrollment process. To make the process easier, we put together an FAQ below with answers to common questions.

Q. My child doesn’t turn 3 until mid-April; can he/she join the 3’s class in April?

As long as space is available, your child may join the 3’s class once they turn 3. If they do not turn 3 until the middle/end of a month, they may not join at the beginning of the month. However, you will be issued a pro-rated rate as the child cannot join until they are of age.

Q. My child turns 3 in October, but I would like him/her to start at the beginning of the school year in September with the rest of the class, can I enroll him/her?

Unfortunately, your child must turn 3 by the time they are enrolled. As long as space is available, you may enroll them in October once they are 3 years old.

Q. My child is currently in the 3’s class, but he/she turns 4 in December. May I transfer my child to the 4’s/5’s class when they turn 4?

As long as space is available, your child may be transferred into the 4’s and 5’s class, acknowledging the price increase, difference in learning materials, and repeated learning materials the following year. While we encourage keeping your child in the 3’s class, it is the choice of the parent/guardian.

Q. Our family is going on vacation and my child will be missing a few classes this month. Can we get a pro-rated fee for this month since my child will be gone?

Unfortunately, we do not offer pro-rated tuition if a child misses class due to illnesses or vacations.

Q. Do you offer full-day preschool or childcare?

We do not offer full-day preschool or childcare. We may, however, offer lunch programs or enrichment classes where children can stay longer throughout the day in another program.

Q. Can I tour the preschool?

Tours are available by appointment only during preschool class hours. Please contact the Park District Manager at 847.223.7275 to schedule aa tour.

Q. Are you play-focused or academic-focused?

We are both! The 3’s class is play focused with some academics, and the 4's and 5's Pre-K class is both academic and play focused.

Q. What does your daily schedule look like?

Each class has their own daily tentative schedule that they follow each day. Both the 3’s and 4’s class includes in their daily schedule: circle time, story time, arts and crafts, free play, music and movement, snack time, center and small group activities, and outdoor play (weather permitting). Please download our Parent Handbook for more detailed information.

Q. How long has Schoolhouse Adventures Community Preschool been open?

Wildwood Park District has offered our preschool program for over 30 years.

Q. Do I need to send my child with outdoor clothes everyday?

Yes, we are always ready to go outside, rain, snow or shine! Please dress your child appropriately for the weather. You may bring snow boots/gear in a separate bag during the winter. Close-toed shoes are a must.

Q. Do I need to send my child with any supplies?

We ask that each child bring a full-size backpack each day so they can put all their artwork/learning materials inside to take home, as well as any information from the teacher/program. Please send your child with a healthy snack and reusable water bottle each day.

Q. Does the preschool go on any field trips during the school year?

There are currently no planned trips. Based on evolving circumstances, the class may be able to walk to Willow Point Park or do a bike ride when conditions change. Preschool children in our program typically do not do outside field trips even during normal school years.

Q. What is your teacher to student ratio for each class?

Our teacher to student ratio is typically 1:7, but may be even less depending on enrollment.

Q. Does my child need to bring a snack or drink to school each day?

We ask that you send your child(ren) with a refillable water bottle and a healthy snack each day. We will also have water bottles available if the need arises.

Q. What holidays are the preschool closed during the year?

We follow most holidays that the Woodland School District 50 follows, such as Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, and Spring Break/Winter Break. Your child will receive a Days Off Calendar at the beginning of the year for your reference in the Parent Packet.

Q. Does my child have to be fully toilet-trained to begin preschool?

Children must be toilet-trained by the first day of class, however, pull-ups will be allowed in the 3’s Class as a safety net for new trainees.

Q. Do you have any classes for ages younger than 3 years old?

Please check out the current Wildwood Park District Brochure for up-to-date information on classes at

Q. When are monthly payments due?

Monthly tuition payments are due the 1st of the month.

Q. What if I am late on my preschool tuition?

Monthly tuition payments are due the 1st of the month. In accordance with our grace period, any tuition payments received on or after the 5th of the month will incur a $15 late fee to be made payable along with the current monthly tuition. Nonpayment of your full monthly tuition and/or the late fee by the 5th day of the following month, without prior arrangements with the Park District Manager, will result in withdrawal of your child from the Schoolhouse Adventures Preschool program immediately.

If you have further questions, please call the Wildwood Park District office at 847.223.7275 or email

The Schoolhouse Adventures Community Preschool is located inside the Wildwood Park District Rule House.

Wildwood Park District
33325 N. Sears Blvd.
Wildwood, IL 60030

Office Phone: 847.223.7275
Office Fax: 847.223.2820