We offer various options to help suit your registration needs:
Register Online: Save time and simply click on the “Register Now” button and you will be directed to Active Network, which is our third party program registration tool. There are no additional fees to you to process your registration online. Please note: Active Network does list offers during the registration process. Be sure to uncheck or click “no” on any offers you are not interested in.
Fax: Fax completed registration form and credit card payment information to our Fax#: 847.223.2820.
E-mail: Attach an electronic copy of your completed registration form (picture or PDF format is acceptable) and email it to: info@wildwoodparkdistrict.com.
Mail: Print and complete a registration form (also found in the brochure) and mail to the Wildwood Park District office. Credit card or check is accepted. Our mailing address is:
Wildwood Park District
33325 N. Sears Blvd.
Wildwood, IL 60030
In Person: Drop off a completed registration form with payment at our office during office hours.
In Person: Drop off your registration form in a mail slot located on the door next to our main office entrance.
Cash, credit cards and checks are accepted. Checks should be made payable to Wildwood Park District.
Note: Any check that is deposited and returned by the bank for any reason will result in an additional $36 charge.
All registration receipts will be sent via e-mail. If you require a hard copy receipt, one will be mailed to you.
Registration ends one week prior to the beginning of each program or event unless otherwise noted. It is recommended you sign up for each program or special event as soon as possible to secure your spot.